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Jellyfish do have a skeletal system..... A hydrostatic skeleton or hydroskeleton is a structure found in many cold-blooded organisms and soft-bodied animals consisting of a fluid-filled cavity, the coelom, surrounded by muscles...Some examples are soft bodied animals such as sea anemones and earthworms. Hydrostatic skeletons have a role in the locomotion of echinoderms (starfish, sea urchins), cnidarians (jellyfish),annelids (earthworms), nematodes, and otherinvertebrates. They have some similarities to muscular hydrostats.
No.No, they have two layers of a skin like wall that holds the jell of their body together

Wrong.... They have A hydrostatic skeleton or hydroskeleton is a structure found in many cold-blooded organisms and soft-bodied animals consisting of a fluid-filled cavity, the coelom, surrounded by muscles.

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9y ago
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12y ago

Jellyfish only have two layers of dermis, which are generally are each only one cell thick. The outer layer (epidermis) is always exposed to sea water and the individual cells exchange gases directly. The inner layer (endodermis) uses the same method of gas exchange with individual cells, but the sea water must be brought to it by way of the gastrovascular cavity that runs throughout the individual, even through the middle of each tentacle.

Circulation of seawater (and nutrients) throughout the gastrovascular system is by muscle contraction of the jellyfish bell, and muscular contraction of the tentacles. This eventually exchanges the sea water, but as you can imagine, with only one opening for intake and expulsion, the efficiency of this type of circulatory system is a little lacking. We must consider, however, the advantage that this simple system afforded these organisms over their predecessors.

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9y ago

No, Jellyfish do not have blood. They respire by absorbing oxygen directly from water, and excreting carbon dioxide and ammonia directly into the water.

no. they have a guie inside

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14y ago

Yes they do have a Circulatory system, they also have a Skeletal and Muscular system, Exceretory system, Reproductive system and a nervous system

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14y ago

no they do not have a nervous system

they don't have brains or blood either

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9y ago

They do not have a circulatory system.

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How does circulation of materials take place in jellyfish?

a jellyfish has a hole in the middle of its body and the tentacles go inside that hole and it gets fertilised

What type of circulatory system does a jellyfish have?

A jellyfish does not have any circulatory vessels. They use diffusion as their means of circulation. They do not have a closed circulatory system.

How do jellyfish accomplish circulation?

Jellyfish only have two layers of dermis, which are generally are each only one cell thick. The outer layer (epidermis) is always exposed to sea water and the individual cells exchange gases directly. The inner layer (endodermis) uses the same method of gas exchange with individual cells, but the sea water must be brought to it by way of the gastrovascular cavity that runs throughout the individual, even through the middle of each tentacle. Circulation of seawater (and nutrients) throughout the gastrovascular system is by muscle contraction of the jellyfish bell, and muscular contraction of the tentacles. This eventually exchanges the sea water, but as you can imagine, with only one opening for intake and expulsion, the efficiency of this type of circulatory system is a little lacking. We must consider, however, the advantage that this simple system afforded these organisms over their predecessors.

Where do the jellyfish live in SpongeBob?

The jellyfish live in jellyfish fields.

Is the box jellyfish a true jellyfish?

Yes, the box jellyfish IS a true jellyfish.

Where to purchase a jellyfish?

You can purchase jellyfish at Jellyfish Art. They ship tanks and jellyfish anywhere in the US.

What are three sentences for the word jellyfish?

Jellyfish were one of the first creatures to exist on the planet.He was stung by a jellyfish on holiday.Some jellyfish are harmless.

What is an adult jellyfish called?

An adult jellyfish is called a Jellyfish.

What is the genus of a Immortal jellyfish and a Lion's Mane jellyfish?

Immortal Jellyfish: TurritopsisLion's Mane Jellyfish: Cyanea

Interesting jellyfish facts?

An interesting fact about jellyfish is that jellyfish do not have brains. Jellyfish can be transparent or brightly colored. A group of jellyfish is called a bloom or swarm.

What is coelenteron?

The coelenteron is the central body cavity in coelenterates, which are simple aquatic animals like jellyfish and sea anemones. It serves as a digestive cavity where digestion and nutrient absorption take place. The coelenteron also functions in circulation, respiration, and waste elimination in these animals.

Do pet stores have jellyfish for sale?

No but you can buy jellyfish online at Jellyfish Art. They ship tanks and jellyfish anywhere in the US.