They buy them in stores or on-line
People on sheep stations rely on bore water for their stock. A windmill pumps up water from the Great Artesian Basin into troughs or tanks. These windmills can sometimes extend to a depth of a hundred feet or more.
Sheep Stations
In New Zealand, we call them sheep STATIONS
Cattle ranches in Australia are commonly referred to as cattle stations, while sheep ranches are known as sheep stations. These properties are typically large-scale agricultural enterprises that focus on the breeding and raising of cattle or sheep for meat production.
Yes. There are sheep stations in South Australia.
A sheep station is just another word for a farm. The sheep are raised and bread in fields outside (but the fields are large).
It depends on how remote the "sheep station" is. Mostly these days, it is cattle stations which are really remote as many wool growers have switched to cattle for meat. Generally, if the landowners can't get to a local shop they do a monthly shop which comes in by truck.
wellitdepends on if it likes youare not and yovegot to give it food No sheep are generally not harmful to people except if the sheep have horns and are protecting their young or you get headbutted by a ram.
The sheep that Australia was once said to be riding on the back of, was the Merino.
like an american cafeteria
They buy them in stores or on-line