

How do other cultures use cinnamon?

Updated: 11/9/2022
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12y ago

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in ancient Egypt,they use cinnamon in their embalming process.they also use it as a flavoring to beverages.

that is what a site said...........................i cant help u cause when i search it up,i found nothing......................................................

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Q: How do other cultures use cinnamon?
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Why do Wiccans use cinnamon?

Cinnamon has many properties and Wiccans who are trained will utilize various herbs, such as cinnamon to create and cast spells of power, healing, health, and various other spells. Cinnamon is also good for the heart, and is good for keeping ants out of the house.

How do you use stick cinnamon?

Are you talking medical uses or regular uses? Regular uses include putting cinammon sticks in coffee or hot cocoa for flavor, grinding it for other food uses, etc. For lowering blood sugar be careful what type of cinnamon you use or take. Cassia Cinnamon, which is identifiable by the cinnamon stick being rolled from one end to the other and is not good to take too much of in capsules or otherwise for bloodsugar or as a supplement because it contains quite of bit of a blood thinner named Coumadin and can create other complications when taking it. If you want to use cinnamon, use Ceylon cinnamon, which is milder, and contains very little coumadin so it is much safer. It is identified in comparison to the Cassia Cinnamon by the stick being curled with the two sides curling inward.

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Can you use mccormic cinnamon extract?

can i use mccormic cinnamon extract for weight loss and how much to take

Can you use cinnamon on meats?

If you like it u can! Cinnamon can be used but most people don't use it. I don't.

How do you use cinnamon in a sentence?

She sprinkled cinnamon on top of her oatmeal for added flavor.

What is the meaning of one part of honey to two parts of cinnamon?

This means to use twice as much cinnamon as you do honey. For example, if you use 1 tablespoon of honey, use two tablespoons of cinnamon.

What are types of muffins?

Some common types are banana, blueberry, chocolate chip, apple, lemon, poppy seed, cinnamon, cinnamon chip, cinnamon apple, cinnamon nut, cinnamon cinnamon, double cinnamon, cinnamon with extra cinnamon, oat, and BRAN. Thing is lots of cinnamon anda few other things.

Can you use fresh sticks ground cinnamon in cookies?

yes you can use one fresh stick of cinnamon in cookies

Do the French dislike cinnamon?

No, the French use cinnamon in a number of recipes, primarily desserts.