Lobsters care for their offspring only during the egg stage. The female carries the eggs on her pleopods where she keeps them clean and well oxygenated. Once they eggs hatch, she releases the larvae where they must survive on their own.
i have a pregant crayfish and i am wondering how long it will take until she has her babies?
They do give birth and they give birth when its the During breeding seasons.
There are no whales that give birth to dolphins. Dolphins give birth to dolphins; whales give birth to whales.
Red lobsters are one of them, the other being the green lobsters
I think that it's the smell they give off..... Hope that helped you :)
they give birth
They do give birth alive.
Lobsters are crustaceans and are also aquatic. (life in the water)
No, penguins do not give birth to live young. They give birth to eggs.
The past tense of "give birth" is "gave birth."
Lobsters typically don't eat their own young, but they will eat baby lobsters from other parents. Lobsters often eat their old shell.
they give birth right!