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They swim around the ocen and use it for how all other animals use energy

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 7y ago

Jellyfish have long stinging tentacles that catch prey.

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Q: How do jellyfish use energy?
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Related questions

Why is it not necessary for a jellyfish to have a stong skeleton?

Jellyfish bodies are supported by the water they live in. Furthermore, if jellyfish had a strong skeleton, then they would need more energy to swim.

Should you use meat tenderizer for a jellyfish sting?

You should use meat tenderizer for a jellyfish sting.

Are jellyfish omnivore or carnivore?

Your question is too broad to answer as there are many species of jellyfish. For instance on the island of Palau where the jellyfish in one lake actually do not eat (catch food) at all. Please ask you question again specifying which species of jellyfish you are wanting to know about.

When did the jellyfish get its name?

The English popular name jellyfish has been in use since 1796.

What is the structures of jellyfish for food getting?

acually,,,, jellyfish use their tentacles to get their food

What does jellyfish use as weapons?

their tenticles

What do humans use jellyfish for?

to eat

Do jellyfish use their legs to move?


What are the survival techniques of jellyfish?

Jellyfish use stinging cells to protect themselves & catch food

Do box jellyfish sleep?

Yes, they sleep to conserve energy and to avoid prey .

What part of the jellyfish use to get their food?

Their tentacles.

What do jellyfish use their legs for?

if your reding this your sad :/