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hamsters(doesn't matter what breed) will mater around every week. The reason why this is if you put a male and female hamster together in one cage the male will want sex almost everyday, but the female will refuse. So the female goes threw heat every four days and on the fourth day, not the day before it and not the day after it she will indeed mate with him. She will have a white smelly liquid come from her vagina and her rear will freeze in the air waiting for the male to penatrate. But only on that fourth day will she mate with him. This doesn't happen to often but if they absolutely refuse to mate, then you have to trick them to think its mating season. You either have to leave the lights on for 12 hours or more, or if its winter you'll have to buy a heater (like for lizard cages) for their cage. You should keep them together threw her pregnancy but on the day she gives birth seperate, them but really try your best not to bother her. Because she will feel threatend might eat or kill her young. After they mate, which will be 10-100 times, she most likely will be pregnant( ya never know) on the sixteenth day after they mated at around six o'clock will she give birth, i apologize for making this so long and boring but i want to give you the best information possible, beleive it or not theres even more. I hope this answers all of your questions, goodbye! PS: the reason why you separate them before she gives birth is because after the birth she will be in heat and the whole cycle of pregnancy will happen once again, but after that day put them back together, hes supposed to be with them
Well, first the male is attracted to the female's scent. He approaches her, sniffs her anus, and if the scent seduces the male, he will have an erection. (Yes, hamsters do have penises). He will then stick his penis into the vagina (on the bottom to the rear a little) of the female and proceed to have sex in the usual may sometimes rub its penis in the anal and vaginal area of the female first. Mating usually only lasts a short time for hamsters, but they may mate several times. Scientist are not exactly sure if the female also gets pleasure out of mating in hamsters, but most of them agree that they do.

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You'll know when your hamster is mating when the boy gets on top of the girl and his dick come out. When the time is right, in mating season and when your hamster is mature, or old enough to mate, then they will. Place the Male in the female's cage. If the female injures the male, try again later, she is not ready. Female hamsters will kill males. If the female accepts the male, he goes over to investigate. The breeding will begin when the female makes a position called Lordosis. She stays perfectly still and raises her tail. Even experienced males have trouble if the female's tail gets in the way, etc. Eventually, the male will mount the female, breed, and dismount. This may have to happen several times for it to work. You cannot mate dwarfs with syrians or dwarfs with other dwarf species. (Ex. robo and campbell's russian)

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Any male will usually mate with any female, but that does not mean that itâ??s safe to mate the two. There are a few breeding pairings to avoid.

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They normally mate in the winter time about 3 hours

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No, hamsters are actually pretty territorial. They often fight with mates.

Is it possible for two boy hamsters mate?

No, it is impossible. It is possible to have gay/bi hamsters though.

Can dwarf hamsters mate with regular hamsters?

Lol, probably not. They're sociable with their own kind.