

How do hamsters get tumors?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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12y ago

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Well, unfortunatly...hamsters do get tumors very often. it is because they are small animals and cannot take the sickness like larger animals (and us) can. It can start out as a cancer, or grow from not being healthy. Also, a dirty environment can do it. Not being feed well, or having food not meant for hamsters, dirty water can also do it. If you need any help with this, and your hamster...or a friends has a tumor, please contact me! I can help you deal with this, and take care of it yourslef, without dropping tons of money! Also, they can just get sick. And old age can do it.

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4y ago
Hi,In my case I have a hamster which has a bump that’s growing on her tummy it’s now bleeding a lil and we think she’s having pain due to noises she’s making.What can we do?

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Now before i answer your question, is the hamster engulfed it the tumor and is it benign?

What causes hamsters to be sick?

Hamsters can catch colds just like humans can. Also, not getting enough water, too much noise, being too cold or too hot, or tumors can make them sick.

Can you get tumors on your face?

Yes. You can get tumors on the face and you do get them there. You can get tumors practically every where in your body.

What would happen if you popped a hamsters tumor?

Nothing good. Cancer cells will spread through the body, maybe causing new tumors to form in other spots. And it will most likely be painful to the hamster too.

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The difference between papilloma tumors and papilloma skin tumors is that papilloma tumors are not cancerous. Papilloma skin tumors have the ability to become cancerous over time.

Tumors in dogs?

yes, dogs get tumors.

What types of tumors are often removed by surgery?

Benign tumors (non-cancerous) such as brain tumors.

What is a primary tumors?

Tumors that initially arise and grow within the brain are termed primary tumors

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