Green beans, while quite low in calories (just 43.75 calories in a whole cup), are loaded with enough nutrients to not only power up the Jolly Green Giant, but to put a big smile on his face. Green beans are an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K and manganese. Plus green beans are very good source of vitamin A (notably through their concentration of carotenoids including beta-carotene), dietary fiber, potassium, folate, and iron. And, green beans are a good source of magnesium, thiamin, riboflavin, copper, calcium, phosphorus, protein, omega-3 fatty acids and niacin.
Helping You Bone Up
The vitamin K provided by green beans-25% of the daily value in one cup-is important for maintaining strong bones. Vitamin K1 activates osteocalcin, the major non-collagen protein in bone. Osteocalcin anchors calcium molecules inside of the bone. Therefore, without enough vitamin K1, osteocalcin levels are inadequate, and bone mineralization is impaired.
Green beans are also a very good source of fiber, a very good source of potassium and folate, and a good source of magnesium and riboflavin. Each of these nutrients plays a significant cardio-protective role.
Nutrients in
Green Beans
1.00 cup raw (100.00 grams) Nutrient%Daily Value
vitamin C20.3%
vitamin K18%
vitamin A13.8%
vitamin B67%
vitamin B25.8%
vitamin B15.3%
vitamin B33.6%
omega-3 fats2.9%
Calories (31)1%
String beans are good for giving your body proper nutrition. Green beans are full of vitamins and minerals great for healthy growth and development.
I don't know any sensible people who hate green beans. - Personally I love them raw or steamed. They are one of the most beneficial vegetables for your body.
The beans in green beans are usually white or a brownish color. The pod, or hull is green.
You don't string green beans. Unless you want to for some strange reason. But there are many kinds of green beans. 'String green beans' is the name of a common type of green bean.
Nope. I eat green beans all the time
Green beans are unripe bean pods. When you eat green beans, you are eating beans, but they are still in the pod. EXACTLY u r still eating yummy beans! in a pod with the beans concealed inside!
no if rats eat green beans they will get sick.
Noth' in is inside the green beans.
Green Beans
Greens bean are not a starchy vegeatable - Green beans, compared with dry beans, provide less starch. -
Why green beans do not grow without soil