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If the refrigerator and freezer have been working properly, it would be extremely unusual to have gnats in both. I can think of a few possibilities:

# The freezer and refrigerator have been turned off for a while. (gaskets loosen) # Someone leaves the doors open way too long. # The refrigerator is set too warm and the gnats come in with the food. (very unlikely) You might check to make sure they are indeed gnats and not fruit flies.

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15y ago
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9y ago

First of all, Empty your fridge of everything, and throw the expired and other bad products away. Put some towels that you don't care about down, get some gloves, and anything else you would like to protect your clothes and body. Pour bleach in there. Wipe out everything and throw all the maggots in the trash. wash everything off and out with dish soap and a clean moist rag, if shelves and drawers come out wash them in the bath tub. Clean Any containers that DO NOT contain spoiled food in them that you plan on putting back in the fridge. From now on, clean your fridge out regularly and keep an eye on the food, if it spoils throw it out. Also make sure that the drip pan is clean as well as the area around the refrigerator.

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16y ago

The only way maggots could get into a truly air-tight refrigerator would be if the flies were already there in some form - eggs, larvae, pupae, adult flies.

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13y ago

first of all how did they get there, use Clorox

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12y ago

Up to 3 weeks,

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Q: How do gnats get into the refrigerator and freezer?
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