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Steam them open in a big pot on the stove. Put in several cups of water in the bottom, boil, and wait long enough for their little mouths to open. At that point, use a fork to pull out the cooked meat.

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8y ago

They have muscles designed to open and shut their shells. They open their shells to filter feed when the tide is in. They close their shells to trap seawater when the tide is out. They slam shut their shells if alarmed.

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13y ago

i use a needle or a thin knife

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Q: How do clam open and close there shells?
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How does a clam open and close the shell?

Clams close their shells with powerful adductor muscles which pull the two valves together. A springy ligament at the hinge pulls the shell open when the muscles relax. Just like us, the clam needs to use nerve cells to signal the muscle to do its thing.

What holds two clam shells together?

the mussel of the clam keeps the shell together. But they can open it if the want.

What muscles open and close clam?

the adductor muscles

What holds the two clam shells together?

posterior and anterior adductor muscles

How and where are the valves of a clam held together?

Bivalve mollusks like clams hold their shells closed with their muscular bodies. They also have leathery "hinges" at the rounded part of the shell which help to hold the two halves together. These are similar to ligaments in higher animals. If you ever get a clam in the supermarket that is already open, that one is dead and you should not eat it.

What does the starfish use its arms for?

A starfish uses its arms to pry open clam or oyster shells

Why are some stoves referred to as clam shells?

Some stoves are referred to as clam shells because they resemble the form and function of the shells of a clam. They are compact with hinge joining two halves.

Why is a pile of clam shells not a population?

A pile of clam shells is not a population because they are not living things so they can not be a population

Are Growth rings are found on both living and fossil clam shells?

No, growth rings are not typically found on living clam shells. They are commonly found on fossil clam shells and can provide information about the age and growth patterns of the clam when it was alive.

How does a sea star open a bivalve such as a clam?

uses the hundreds of tube feet to grasp and pull the shells in opposite directions, which eventually open

Why is a clam most likely to fossilize?

Clam shells are quite durable.

What are Chinese water deer's predator?

Giant clams close their shells on their feet and they starve. Then the clam absorbs the rotting deer.