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Q: How do businesses act as producers?
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How do you get noticed by producers?

be unique dont act shy get out there and stand out

What is the purpose of Sage ACT?

Sage ACT is a customer relationship management software for small businesses. Sage ACT allows for small businesses to organize their clientele based on certain characteristics and follow up on their interactions.

What are the activities in which businesses could not engage?

Clayton Antitrust Act?

Social responsibility of a business management to society?

Businesses have a social responsibility to act ethically. When businesses act ethically, they are able to increase their profits because more customers will choose to purchase from them.

What act of legislation strengthened the Sherman antitrust act by spelling out the specific activities in which businesses could not engage?

Clayton Antitrust Act

What are the examples of wholesale merchants?

Wholesale businesses buy goods in large quantities form producers to sell in smaller quantities.

How did the Clayton act help regulate the economy?

The Clayton Antitrust Act spelled out what businesses could and could not do.

Which was the first legislative act that was created to end monopolies and regulate businesses?

Sherman - anti trust act

What is the Safeguard Measures Act about?

The Safeguard Measures Act protects domestic producers of goods by allowing the Secretary of the Tariff Commission to increase tariffs on imports. The intent is not to eliminate imports, but to allow domestic producers to remain competitive in the marketplace.

This act was enacted in July of 1890 and made combining of businesses to prevent competition illegal?

The Sherman Antitrust Act was enacted in July 1890 and made combining of businesses to prevent competition illegal.