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Probably by putting another hermit crab in with it as a friend. Then, it wouldn't feel so alone in it's new habitat. If you do not put another crab for it's friend, then I don't know any other way. I always buy my pets other than cats and dogs in pairs, so they have a friend to turn to.... I did have hermit crabs and they are usually shy and stay in their shells at first. Give them time and they will come around. Thanks, Dr. Lautner

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 4y ago

Dip him in some water and put him back down in his bedding quietly watch you're crab usually that works for me

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Q: How do I get my hermit crab to become less shy?
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How can you tell if your hermit crab is a female?

they have 2 dots under their first set of walking legs called gonopores, if they come far enough out of their shell you can tell. Males do not have the 2 dots. Sometimes your hermit crab may to shy to come far out enough for you to tell. but just be patient with it. ;)

How long does it take for a hermit crab to trust its owner?

It really depends on the hermit crab. Some are quite social while others will never get use to human interaction. It's important to respect the crabs that are afraid of people. If you have an outgoing crab, feel free to socialize with it a little each day until it is use to you. Forcing socialization on a shy crab will only stress it out and possibly cause it to drop legs.

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Of course not. She'll become less shy in time.

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by playing gently with it ,it will become more trusting and less shy

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A very shy animal is a ghost crab.

Why are hermit crabs shy?

Some are not shy they are scared. Not of you just of being around a new place.

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When a hermit crab is depressed he will slow down in his activities and often sit in one places with very little movement. This isn't quite the same as humans feel depressed or sad but they do have basic needs and when those needs aren't met, they suffer.

How do you get hermit crabs to come out of there shell?

You should not force a hermit crab completely out of their shell because they would rather die then be forced out of their shell But if you want to know how to make their legs and eyes and anntenue so they will walk around then you could try lifting up their shell or gently squirting them with a spritz bottle filled with dechlorinated

How do you help a shy girl in a class to become more social?

HOW??? THATS EASY! HANG OUT WITH THEM, or talk to them! make them feel better or less shy

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Same prob. here - become a better friend with him so he'll be less shy aroung you.

Are Caribbean hermit crabs friendy?

Yes, they are shy though. If you give them a chance to pinch you, they will.

How can you make your Elf on the Shelf less shy?

You can encourage your Elf on the Shelf to be less shy by interacting with it more frequently, giving it compliments or rewards for good behavior, and creating a welcoming environment for it to feel comfortable in. Building a routine that involves the elf can also help it become more engaged and less shy over time.