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Q: How could you determine the plant's genotype with respect to height?
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Tall is dominate over short The genotype of a short plant is what?

The genotype of a short plant can be represented as tt, where "t" represents the allele for short height. The short height allele is recessive to the tall height allele.

What is the height of a plant with a genotype of Tt?

Because the Tall gene in plants is dominant, a plant that has the genotype Tt (Heterozygous) would be a Tall plant.

What is the height of a plant with the genotype Tt?

Because the Tall gene in plants is dominant, a plant that has the genotype Tt (Heterozygous) would be a Tall plant.

In a case of simple dominance what is the height of a plant with the genotype Tt?

The plants will all express the dominant gene.

Using the word genotype in a sentence?

The genotype of an organism refers to its specific genetic makeup, or the combination of genes inherited from its parents that determine its traits or characteristics.

Mendel determined that pea plants have two alleles that determine height Where do these alleles come from?

The two alleles for height in pea plants come from the parents of the pea plant. Each parent contributes one allele, which determines the height of the offspring.

What is the symbol for the genotype of true breeding tall plants short is Dominant?

if we assume tall plant <T> & short plant as< t> genotype of tall plant ; TT genotype of short plant ; tt

Is the lack chlorophyll due to the plants genotype or to the environment?

i think it is due to the envinment

What was the genotype of pea plants that produced green peas in the F2 generation?


What was the genotype of the offspring that did not share the parent's phenotype?

The genotype of the offspring that had the same phenotype as the parents is rr or wrinkled. The phenotype for the seed shape of both parent plants is round.

Which generation of plants used in Mendel's research all had the same genotype?

The parental generation (P) of plants used in Mendel's research all had the same genotype for the specific traits he studied. This allowed Mendel to observe the patterns of inheritance without any variations in the parental generation.

What plants don't propagate?

The genotype, ramie is the largest genome that does not propagate. This means that it does not reproduce. Some plants can also be altered to not reproduce.