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We have it right up to the foundation. you have to keep an eye on it, since it will or may try to climb the wall. I do know it climbs aluminum siding and concrete.

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Q: How close to the house can you plant a crepe myrtle?
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How close to a house can you plant a crepe myrtle?

As close as you like.

How close to the house can you plant a crape myrtle?

Crepe myrtle's grow tall and need very little care. Due to their roots, plant them at least two feet from the house.

What is the domain for a crape myrtle?

The domain for a crepe myrtle, as a plant, is Eukaryota.

What division is Crepe Myrtle?

Angiosperms is the division to which the crepe myrtle belongs.Specifically, a plant can be grouped as either an angiosperm or a gymnosperm. The former represents the division of flowering plants. The plant in question also will be found identified by the alternate spelling crape myrtle and the scientific name Lagerstroemia.

Can I plant Crepe Myrtle trees in my retirement home yard?

Yes, they would survive in Florida. However, I would make sure you can plant them at the retirement home .

When do you prune crepe myrtle?

Prune Crepe Myrtle in late fall. It's a southern plant and u want to wait long enough that it won't be hot enough to regrow. I say November or December. Also Crepe Myrtles are stripped of all limbs on the lower half. It's best to do this most in fall and spring, but I usually have to trim this through summer too. Be sure to prune correctly to avoid disease

Can you move a three-year-old crepe myrtle that never has bloomed?

Yes, you may move a three-year-old Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) that has not ever bloomed.Specifically, the best time to transplant is in October. Fall lends itself to transplanting any plant because the gardener and the plant are not dealing with the heat, light and moisture extremes of summer. The plant needs time to adjust to new surroundings. The adjustment tends to work best during the time that the plant is not actively growing.In transplanting, it is important to do a soil analysis of the previous and the new sites. It also is important to inspect the underground parts of the shrub. The lack of a bloom may be due to natural, biological processes within the crepe myrtle or to problems within the roots or soil.

What is a good heat tolerant flowering plant?

Acacia Callistemon Lavendar Rosemary Roses Russian Sage Jacaranda Buddleia Daisy Banksia Agapanthus Salvia Myrtle Vitex Abelia Berberis Crepe myrtle Forsythia Hybrid Lantana Flowering Quince Flowering Almond

Why would a crepe myrtle bloom very late in the season when all around it are in bloom?

Any number of reasons. It may have been exposed to cooler weather longer or maybe a younger plant. It will also depend on the amount of sunlight the plant receives each day.

How close to your house driveway and footpaths should you plant oak trees?

As close as possible.

How do you care for crepe myrtles?

Just be patient. It will start itself. Both the crepe myrtle (blooming variety) and the wax myrtle (non blooming variety) will send out sister roots and these will become new plants about 2-5 feet away from the original "mother" plant. Just wait till these sisters get over a foot high and when its not in bloom, dig it up and move it to a new location. Its best to do this in the late fall or early spring.

Can orange tree plant close to the house?

No because it can grow big.