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What you have to do is get your kitten and hamster in one room. Then Let them get along their selves, and if they don't get along then you have to butt in and help them to get along.

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Q: How can you train your kitten of 10 weeks to live with your hamster?
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Golden hamster how long should the young be left with the mother?

A Goldern hamster is able to live on its own at 5 weeks old.

What happens when the mother hamster dies with the new born hamster being 5 days old?

There is a product called "kitten milk replacement"(KMR), and if you use it, there being no guarantees, the baby hamsters could live.

Where do Kitten make their homes?

Kittens live with their mother for six to eight weeks. Then they are usually adopted by a new human family.

Can your hamster live for 2 weeks whilst you go on holiday?

Yes because..... well it will live only if you give it enoug food & water to last two weeks & if not no. So try your best to figure this out.

Can a kitten live whlie not eating for 9 hours?

Feed your kitten now.

What happens if you steal a kitten that a mother is protecting?

well the mom gets angry and chases you and gives you rabbies on your index finger or face. Depending on how old the kitten is when taken from it's mother it could either live and thrive, or it may die. If it is old enough to be taught to take nourishment on it's own (10-14 weeks) it is very likely the kitten will live and grow into a healthy cat. If the kitten is not old enough to nourish itself, it is highly likely the kitten will die from malnutrition. Also, the one stealing the kitten may not get away without some painful claw marks from the mother.

Can a baby rabbit live with a kitten?

No, its very dangerous. The kitten grows its claws quickly and will want to try them out on many things-- like the rabbit. You can train your cat to like the rabbit though!**** Actually rabbits and kittens can live together and quite well. They can become very close and grow up together as step-brothers or step-sisters.

Can hermetcrabs live in hamster cages?

no. hermet crabs neeed water to live therefore it will not survive in a hamster cage.

When can you let your kitten out?

If you want your kitten to live a long and healthy life, you should not let them out unsupervised.

What environment does pinkies need to live in?

Pinkies should be with their mother until they are weaned (about 5 weeks in rats and mice). If the mother is not available you should see if you can find another mother with young so the pinkies can survive. Maybe ask around pet stores & breeders. It is difficult for pinkies to survive without the mother's milk as it contains the nutrients they need most. I had a baby dwarf hamster I gave Kitten Milk Replacer to, was able to save him, you can get that at the pet stores, but it is not always possible to raise pinkies like this..I was fortunate with the hamster.

Can a hamster live in the wild?

No they can't.

Does a hamster live in a cage?

sometimes... :)