Some of the signs include: the water is not clear, the water smells bad, the sides of the tank are covered in thick black goo, the substrate is blackened and moldy, rotten food is everywhere, all the plants are dead, all the fish are dead, ammonia (NH3 & NH4) is present, nitrite (NO2) is present, nitrate (NO3) is present.
Even though it's not nice to talk dirty, it depends on which dirty. So until you tell me which dirty you are talking about, I cannot answer.
No because the sand will make the water dirty, small rocks are usually the best.
your goldfish might die and maybe eat to much or the water starting to get dirty
Excess food will cause your tank to dirty faster.
Yes your card can dirty, however beware of other players who might tell you different. Cards CAN dirty!
Yes, there are certain bugs that thrive in dirty water vs clean water; so depending on the type of bug it is would tell you whether the water was dirty or clean.
i believe that when you clean out your hermit's aquarium you should not CLEAN out your hermits house just clean the dirty part(about 25% of it)
say " talk dirty to me" it might take a few tries or say tell me a sexy story!or start talking dirty! that should start out!!
At the wild life aquarium in clearwater FL. The same place the movie was depicting. Funny story, the aquarium in real life had just gotten a new paint job. When the movie people came in to shoot, they re-painted the entire building to look dirty and old. :P
Well, I'd imagine it would have some correlation with the fact that fish of one's aquarium relieve themselves in that very water.
The worlds largest aquarium is The Georgia Aquarium.
'Un aquarium' (masc.).