Fertile eggs are normally bought from breeders. If you don't know of any, try Craigslist.org, or buy some from an online hatchery or e-bay. Unfertile eggs can be found just about anywhere - Your local food store, a close by farm, or maybe some friends. If you have your own hens and rooster you can get fertile eggs. If you have just hens, your eggs will be unfertile. They both taste the same if you want them for eating purposes.
Some online hatcheries are listed in the related links, in no particular order.
Unfertilized eggs are sold in stores, as the hens are almost never in contact with a rooster. Battery-cage hens often never even see a rooster, as they are kept in tiny, cruel cages. If you want to get fertilized eggs, you can order them from most hatcheries, or, better yet, find someone in your community who has chickens and would be willing to sell a few eggs. Craigslist, as well as local newspapers and bulletin boards, are good places to start.
Yes, hens legs unfertilised eggs all the time.
There is no difference. All eggs that go to your store are fertilized anyway, there's no way that a hen could or would lay an unfertilized egg.
The eggs in stores are unfertilised because they have not been kept warm where as a normal egg would have been.
No, the egg is fertilized in the hen before the shell forms around it.
It depends on whether there is a rooster around to fertilize the eggs. Broiler hens lay eggs that can grow into chicks just as typical egg-layers do - otherwise we wouldn't have broiler chicks to raise.
Not generally, as eggs from shops are almost always unfertilised.
Many people raise chickens for their eggs. When the chicken lays the eggs and egg that is not fertilized is referred to as a dud egg. These are the eggs we get in the market. If the egg is fertilized, you will get a chick.
Unfertilised eggs hatch as drones.
An incubator is used to hatch fertile eggs artificially. Nothing will hatch from an unfertilised egg.
No, most eggs are not.
Eggs are usually fertilized in the uterus.
A fertilized hen egg is an egg that has been fertilized by a rooster. This means that there is a possibility that the egg contains a developing embryo. If the fertilized eggs are not collected and incubated, they will not hatch and will be indistinguishable from unfertilized eggs when cracked open for consumption.