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you should take him/her to a doctor.

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Q: How can you help your fish stay the right way up when he has a damaged fin?
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How does inflating and deflating help a fish?

It helps so the fish can stay at different depths.....

How does the air bladder work for the fish?

no, they have a swim bladder but this is so the fish can stay afloat

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Offer to help out with cleaning the place, or offer a place to stay until the house is cleaned.

How do fish scales stay on fish?

they do not stay on by glue i am not sure why they stay on but my answer would be they gorw on them.

Fish that stay stuck on the side of the fish tank?

if you want fish that stays stuck on the side of the fish tank, the mud fish is the right job for it. It sucks the algae growing on rocks, sides of fish tanks or basically anything that has algae growing on it.

What three reasons fish can live in water?

They have gills that help them to breath and fins that help them swim and they lay eggs which stay in the seaweeds and rocks.

How do fish stay afloat?

Fish are able to stay afloat due to their swim bladders, which are gas-filled organs that help regulate their buoyancy. By adjusting the amount of gas in their swim bladders, fish can control their position in the water column. The overall shape and composition of a fish's body also contribute to their ability to stay afloat and move through the water efficiently.

Could you stay healthy if any of your body systems were damaged diseased or missing?

NO, you cant stay healthy if any of your body systems were damaged, diseaded or missing.

Do crocadile or fish stay longer under water?

a fish stay longer by muslimninja

Does the swimbladder spread to other fish?

A swim bladder is an organ in certain fish to help them stay buoyant. Examples of fish with a swim bladder are goldfish, betta fish, and chiclids. It works something like the lungs of mammals. Since it is an organ, it cannot spread to other fish.

Why Goldfish cant stay down and stay on there side at top of tank?

This could mean your fish is ill (swim bladder problem) or that quite simply it has gas in its intestine from swallowing too much air while feeding. Apparently feeding peas to your fish can help.

Why would I feed my fish?

You should give food to your fish in order to stay alive and helthy. 😊