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Use a sharp knife and run it under hot water before you cut or if the cookies are out of the pan use a serrated or bread knife and saw with it.

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Q: How can you cut out bar cookies with a chocolate top without breaking the chocolate to pieces?
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Related questions

What is a chocolate chip cookie?

A chocolate chip cookie is a regular cookie, but with small pieces of chocolate in it!(chocolate chip cookies are really good if they are warm, and dipped in chocolate)

What kind of cookie is a chocolate chip cookie?

In the UK, chocolate chip cookies are simply thick biscuits with a sprinkling of chocolate chips inside. American cookies are softer, and usually larger, but still contain chocolate pieces.

WHAT goes through windows without breaking them into pieces?


I have no chocolate chips for your cookies what can you use to replace them?

You can chop up a candy or chocolate bar and put the pieces in. You can use butterscotch, white chocolate, peanut butter, ect. chips / morsels. You can use pieces of butterscotch or toffee. You can use M&Ms or other small candies.

Can you separate the two pieces without breaking the string or removing the end?

Yes, it is possible to separate the two pieces without breaking the string or removing the end by tying a temporary knot on one of the pieces and sliding it off the end of the string. Then you can separate the two pieces.

Where did chocolate chip cookies come from?

The chocolate chip cookie was accidentally developed by Ruth Wakefield in 1933. Wakefield is said to have been making chocolate cookies and on running out of regular baker's chocolate, substituted broken pieces of semi-sweet chocolate from Nestlé thinking that it would melt and mix into the batter. It clearly did not and the chocolate chip cookie was born.

What do I use my recipe calls for chocolate pieces do I use chocolate chips or bakers chocolate?

In cookie recipes, the recipe probably means semi-sweet chocolate chips. Bakers' chocolate, which is usually unsweetened, would be far too bitter. But you have a lot of choices, depending on the taste you want in your cookies. Semi-sweet chocolate chips tend to be the most popular, but you could choose chocolate mint chips, peanut butter, butterscotch, white chocolate chips or chocolate pieces of various sizes, from mini-chips to the larger "chunks."

Where was the cookies made?

The word cookie originally came from the Dutch keokje, meaning "little cake." In addition, the Dutch first popularized cookies in the United States. The British took a liking to them in the 19th century, incorporating them into their daily tea service and calling them biscuits or sweet buns, as they do in Scotland. Sometime in the 1930s, so the story goes, a Massachusetts innkeeper ran out of nuts while making cookies. Therefore, she substituted a bar of baking chocolate, breaking it into pieces and adding the chunks of chocolate to the flour, butter and brown sugar dough. The Toll House Cookie, so named after the inn in which it was served, was a hit.

What year did Ruth wakefield invent chocolate chip cookies?

In 1930, Wakefield was mixing a batch of cookies for her roadside inn guests when she discovered that she was out of baker's chocolate. She substituted broken pieces of Nestle's semi-sweet chocolate, expecting it to melt and absorb into the dough to create chocolate cookies. That didn't happen, but the surprising result helped to make Ruth Wakefield one of the 20th century's most famous women inventors. When she removed the pan from the oven, Wakefield realized that she had accidentally invented "chocolate chip cookies."

How was the chocolate chip cookie made?

The best answer to that question is Ruth Graves Wakefield of Whitmann, Massachusetts , the same city/ location of the Toll House Chocolate Company. Ruth's had an old favorite recipe for "Butter Drop Do" cookies dating back to colonial times. A recipe variation called for baker's chocolate and Ruth found herself without the needed ingredient. She used a bar of semisweet chocolate on hand, she chopped it into pieces and stirred the chunks of chocolate into the cookie dough, assuming that the chocolate would melt and spread throughout each cookie. Instead the chocolate bits held their shape and created a sensation. She called her new creation the Toll House Crunch Cookies. The Toll House Crunch Cookies became very popular with guests at her inn, and soon her recipe was published in a Boston newspaper, as well as other papers in the New England area. Word of the cookie spread and it became popular around 1939.

What is the process of dissolving by breaking into smaller pieces is called?

The process of dissolving by breaking into smaller pieces is called disintegration.

Do recies pieces have chocolate in it?
