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Q: How can vinegar mess up a mouth swab paternity test?
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How can you mess up a mouth swab paternity test?

Contamination or switching tests accidentally.

Are there any sprays to use to change a mouth swab dna test for paternity?

No there is not. Man up!

How can you alter a paternity swab test?

you can't

Will sonnes7 cover up a mouth swab?

Will it wrk for a mouth swab

What can a person put in there mouth to mess up a buccal swab test for perternity?

There is nothing you can put in there. Now man up and take responsibility!

Is a swab test as accurate as a blood test in Paternity testing?

Yes, result's won't be different in any case. Its easy to collect mouth swabs and transport also any part of the world.

Can using mouthwash immediately prior to getting DNA swab alter paternity results?


Is it better to use a cotton swab or hair for a paternity test?

They use cotton swabs.

How do you pass a mouth swab alcohol test in my system?

The only way to pass a mouth swab for alcohol is to not have any alcohol in the system.

Can you disguise your DNA in a paternity home swab kit .. is it possible?

Never. You`re the baby daddy!

What is paternity testing?

It's genetic testing to determine what percentage likelihood a man is the biological father of a given child.

How soon in pregnancy can you determine paternity?

You can have a simple swab test done on the baby and the potential father(s). They do it on the inside of the mouth so no blood test is needed. Speak to your doctor or tell them at the hospital before you go home (if the father is there). If he refuses you can get a court order for a test to be taken.