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They don't they get eaten

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Q: How can a survivor take a bath when water is in short supply?
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Can you give a hermit crab a bath?

yes, but if you supply water and there is enough for them to completely submerge in they will bath themselves as they feel needed.

What consume more water shower or bucket bath?

A long shower will take more water than a bath, but a bath will usually use more water than a short shower.

Does bath have a short vowel?

Yes, the vowel sound in "bath" is a short vowel sound.

What is a water bath and its uses?

A water bath is a bath of vigouriously boiling water

What is a hot water bath and how is it used?

A hot water bath is a bath with hot water. You use it to take a bath.

Does bath has a short or long vowel sound a?

The word "bath" has a short vowel sound for the letter 'a'. The 'a' in "bath" is pronounced like the 'a' in the word "cat."

Is BATH a Long Vowel Word?

No, "bath" is not a long vowel word. The 'a' sound in "bath" is a short vowel sound.

How does a hot water bath or massage treat the muscular cramp?

A hot water bath helps relax muscles and increase blood flow, which can alleviate muscle cramps. Similarly, a massage can help reduce muscle tension and improve circulation, reducing the intensity and duration of cramps. Both treatments can provide relief and promote muscle recovery.

Is it OK to take baths because you use a lot of water?

A short shower saves water and is more healthy, as you have clean water running over you. Sometimes a bath is useful, for example, after a hard run, your feet might be sore, and a bath can help them relax.

What is the solute and solvent bath water?

In a bath, the solute is the bath salts, oils, or any other substance added to the water, while the solvent is the water itself. The bath salts or oils dissolve in the water to create a solution for the bath.

How can bath water turn brownish purple?

Bath water can turn brownish purple if minerals, such as manganese and iron, are present in the water supply. These minerals can react with the chlorine in the water, causing discoloration. It could also be due to a build-up of dirt or rust in the pipes.

What size is a short bath?

A short bath typically refers to a quick bath taken for hygiene purposes rather than for relaxation. It usually lasts around 10-15 minutes.