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One Is NOT the Loneliest NumberNo tank size is "best". Unfortunately, no matter how much you love those beautiful betas, one is definitely NOT the loneliest number for these guys.

Whether male or female, ALL BETAS SHOULD BE EXPECTED TO FIGHT. Betas are highly aggressive with one another, and are very territorial. A period of mating is not an exception, and can still result in an injured fish.

As a general rule, one beta will be healthier NOT sharing its life with another beta. Forcing two betas to share an environment may result in severe and even life-threatening injuries.

No matter how large the tank, eventually the betas will inevitably find their way into the same area, and when they do, you'll have Mortal Kombat 3 in your fish tank.

Moreover, even if they merely saw one another from far, far, opposite sides of the tank, it's extremely (VERY!) likely that at least one of the two betas (if not both) would actually find the other enough of a threat to put itself immediately into the other's space and engage in aggressive activity.

If you're asking because you really want to own more than one beta, there are other solutions that are slightly preferrable (although some may still be somewhat upsetting to the betas).

If you really, really just want more betas, the best solution is to buy those small plastic containers sold at places like Petsmart, containers that are meant for betas; the single-celled containers are a less stressful environment for the betas, because you can separate them so they won't antagonize each other.

However, stores also sell larger containers with a divider in the middle, which leaves room for two betas.

Large glass fish bowls are also a novel idea, because they have plenty of room for pretty rocks, air pumps, castles, and the like.

If your main concern is about your beta's happiness or you wonder whether it is lonely, ask me for more information about things you can add to a beta's tank for recreation (such as an air pump, live plants, structures to hide in, etc.). There are quite a few things that can very much add to your beta's quality of life.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Betta fish should be kept in a 3 gallon tank but a 1 gallon tank is fine for temporary housing.Many people keep them in 1 gallon tanks and although this is okay they will not be as happy as they can be in a slightly larger tank.You can keep them in a much larger tank with other tropical fish as well

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11y ago

Well First i don't think you should have three betta in one tank because betta fish are fighting fish in chinese so they will fight one another if you put them in seperate tanks they will stare at each other for a long time and that would be boring to see your betta fish watching your other betta fish 24/7. I think you should have a bowl tank that is just a little small and three other bowl tanks and make sure that the three 'betta fish are in different rooms and don't see each other at all!

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14y ago

one gallon is preffered but you can have it as big as you wish. it's not recommended to keep the betta fish in the container they are baught in.

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12y ago

well they only need 1 quart (four cups) of water so anything the same size or bigger and they will be perfectly happy. My betta lives in a 2 quart tank and he swims around happily.

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No. Betta fish will attack each other no matter the sex.

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You don't have to, but the Betta Fish likes it because they can sleep in the plant.

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A Betta fish!

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keeping multiple bettas in the same tank is not reccomended

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betta bowl. it is amazing

What other fish will not fight will a Betta in the same tank?

Male Betta splendens fight with other male Betta splendens so the answer is most other fish will not fight with a Betta in the same tank. To try to list every species of fish here would be impossible.

Can you put an angelfish and a betta fish in the same tank?

No...betta fish are usually aggressive and might kill the angelfish.

What to do when your fish fights when your other fish is eating?

Take the Betta out as soon as possible.I have a Betta in my tank with other fish,but he doesnt fight with my fish at all.

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Most fish get along well. However, do NOT mix betta fish with other fish. Not even another betta. You have to have a permit to have to betta fish in the same tank with eachother. Betta fish are only mixed to mate. Bettas are not born in the egg. They come out as a very small fish. After the betta babies have come out, all of the fish are seperated. Even the parents, if the betta babies are left in the tank with the others the betta parents are very likely to eat the others.

Can glow in the dark guppy fish be in the same tank as a betta fish?

Not unless you want the guppy thing to be eaten.

Will a betta fish die if the water in the tank is not filtrated?

Betta are airbreathers. So long as the ammonia and nitrates are okay, you don't need filters on a Betta tank.