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Answer: Usually at 5 weeks a fetus is a little bigger than the size of a quarter. So by about 8-9 weeks, which is 2 months, a fetus is about the size of a half-dollar coin. The baby is 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) and already has fingers. You can already see the baby's veins. The heart has divided into right and left chambers

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7y ago
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16y ago

I have heard 2mm

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11y ago

About 4.6 inches long

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15y ago

Smaller than a kidney bean.

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14y ago

size of a squirrel.

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13y ago

11.5-13.5 cm long, weighs about 100 g

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Q: How big is a 4 month fetus?
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Depends on what month you are in.

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Womb, uterus.

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When is the fetus' limbs fully developed?

In the 3rd Month of development.

What is the medical term meaning five-month fetus?

a not completely developed child yet is what it is called

What happens in the fourth month of pregnancy?

The fetus begins to kick and swallow, although most women still can't feel the baby move at this point. Now 4 oz (112 g) in weight, the fetus can hear and urinate

What does it mean if the fetus' activity slows down in the last month?

it may mean that the fetus does not have enough room to move around as freely because during the last month the fetus goes through a final growth spurt. there is also something called intrauterine growth restriction that can cause the fetus to not move as much.

Does a four month baby stamp its feet inside the mothers tummy?

You can start feel the fetus move at 4 months but I wouldn't call it stamping.