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The green pepper is harvested before completely ripening. The reason for the price difference between colored and green peppers is the amount of spoilage that occurs as you allow peppers to ripen. Ripened peppers have a very short shelf life compared to green.

I think there is a problem inherent in the question. I have noticed that in America, the question makes sense, but in Europe, typically all colors of bell peppers are lumped together at the same price. I have always assumed this was due to the above statement, where in the US the price difference is due to the general nature of distribution and supply demand incorporating shelf life, where as, in Europe there is not as much market force, since most food is grown/sold somewhat locally, and the pressure is not that, since all the produce is typically 'fresh'. More feedback welcomed.

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14y ago
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15y ago

Red, yellow, and orange peppers are green peppers that have been allowed to fully ripen. The only difference is the color. The taste is usually sweeter than green peppers, since the colored peppers have been allowed to ripen fully.

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13y ago

It takes longer for the red bell peppers to ripen and thus they are more expensive to ship and have in the store.

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Are red peppers green before turning red?

Yes, red peppers start off green and change color as they ripen. As the pepper matures, it transitions from green to yellow, orange, and finally red.

What are all peppers?

red orange yellow green

Does green capsicum change colour or are there different variaties of plants?

Green capsicum can change color as it ripens, typically turning yellow, orange, or red. There are also different varieties of capsicum plants that naturally produce capsicums in colors other than green, such as yellow, orange, or purple.

Why are peppers different colors?

The color depends on when the pepper was picked. Peppers that haven't ripened are green, then they turn yellow, and finally red when fully ripened.

Do red peppers and green bell peppers come from different plant spiece?

no, green peppers are simply unripe red ones

What makes red yellow green and orange peppers different aside from the colour?

The red, yellow and orange have a sweeter taste. The red usually being the sweetest and having the most flavor.

Are red peppers more mild than yellow peppers?

If you are talking about bell peppers, yellow is supposed to be milder than red. A green bell pepper, if left on the plant will turn either yellow or red ( depending on the variety. ) Myself, I haven't noticed much difference between yellow and red. And I prefer the green for flavor . . . but allow a few to go to yellow or red for color.

Can you be allergic to Red peppers but not green?

I am unable to find the answer to this question but my son vomits a few hours after eating a red pepper but not green, yellow or orange peppers. Go figure.

Why do green peppers have so many seeds?

All bell peppers ,green, red, orange,yellow have approximately the same amount of seeds. -Other varieties of peppers differ.

Bell pepper fruit?

Bell peppers are fruit because they contain the seeds of the plant. Bell peppers come in a variety of colors such as yellow, green, red and orange and have different taste.

Why are bell peppers priced according to color green is least expensive red and yellow are more expensive in America but in Europe all colors of bell peppers are typically the same price?

Because red and yellow peppers are sweeter.

What are stoplight peppers?

They are simply a package containing a red, yellow and green bell pepper.