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Two ways to skin the mango:

Hold mango with point side up, you will know because the stem end has a pinch spot where the stem was. While holding the mango, and carefully not cutting yourself, run a very sharp knife down the side, taking off the peel in small strips, trying to not cut into the mango. As you are removing the peel, the mango will become very slippery and hard to hold so most people do not care for this method. Using a fork to hold the mango at this point might help. Cut the fruit from the pit in a similar manner, starting at one end and running knife along the pit to remove the fruit. The fruit is a little stringy, so cutting into small pieces at 1 inch square or smaller is best. The fruit is delicious and worth the effort.


Cut the mango in half, and while doing so, run the knife along the edge of the large pit, separating the mango fruit from the pit. Any mango left on the pit can be cut off also. Then cut crisscross lines into the mango fruit down to the skin, but be careful to not cut the skin. This takes some practice. Grab the skin and push it up so it pushes the mango meat up. Use knife to slide along the inner skin and release the mango pieces from the skin. You could try using a spoon to scoop the fruit from the skin, rather than cutting it off. I haven't tried this way yet. Again, cut fruit into smaller pieces.

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