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Q: How are insect eggs fertilized?
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What is the difference between fertilized and embryonated eggs?

Fertilized eggs are eggs that have been fertilized by sperm, while embryonated eggs are fertilized eggs that have developed into embryos. In embryonated eggs, the embryo has started to grow and develop, while fertilized eggs are simply eggs that have been successfully fertilized.

What insect does the male bee come from?

Male bees (drones) come from unfertilized eggs laid by the queen bee. Fertilized eggs produce females (workers or new queens).

What do fertilized eggs have to do with periods?

If you have fertilized eggs you will not have periods, you are pregnant! not much

Do fertilized eggs have cholesterol?

Both fertilized and unfertilized eggs have cholesterol.

Are the chickens eggs fertilized internally or externally?

yes the eggs are fertilized internally

Can a stick insect produce eggs without a mate?

Yes, all stick insects can produce unfertilized eggs via parthenogeneses. Some species do have males which can produce fertilized eggs, but all females are able to produce eggs without a mate.

Insect eggs proper name?

I guess it depends on what type of insect you're talking about. For instance, eggs of parasitic insects are called Nits. However, I believe this only applies to lice or creatures in the same sub-species.

Does the egg carton show you if fertilized?

Store bought eggs are never fertilized. If you are looking for fertilized eggs you need to go to a local farm or buy eggs from a hatchery.

How can you obtain fertilized and fertilized eggs?

If it is chicken eggs you are talking about you will find that the eggs that are for sale at the market are not fertilised. If you want fertilised eggs you will have to get them from some one or a farmer that supplies eggs for chicks.You can purchase hatching eggs FERTILIZED from many hatcherys across the usa

When do stick insects get pregnant?

Stick Insects, like all Insects, produce eggs. Some species of Stick Insect will lay unfertilized eggs without the presence of a male. This process is called Parthenogenesis. Other species of Stick Insect do need a male and female pair so the eggs are fertilized before they are laid. Fertilized eggs will produce both male and female offspring, whereas unfertilized eggs will only produce females.

What eggs do you need for a Incubator?

use fertilized eggs

Are the eggs in the stores fertilized or unfertilized eggs?
