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Q: How are french and Russian food service related?
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What is Russian food service?

Russian food service defined as formal and elegant service very similar to a French service but faster and less expensive. And the food is pre-cut in the kitchen and served on silver platters by the chef.

What are the different kinds of food services?

Answerthere are 4 kinds of food sevices these are: - Family Style- Blue plate Style- Russian Style- Buffet Style

What is Russian Services?

Russian service (service a la russe) is a polite manner of the Russians in dining that list of courses has been serving sequentially. And it is contrast of the French service (service a la Francaise).

What is the most formal food service?

Russian Style

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There are twelve different types of table services, they include English service, French service, silver service, American Service, cafetaria service, counter service, grill room service, room service, buffet service, Russian Service, Gueridon service, and breakfast service. Each service has a different meaning, English service is a host service. Food is approved before going to the customer. French service

What is the French's style of food service?

The French style of food service is the practice of serving various dishes of a meal at the same time. It is the type of food service practiced most commonly in the United States.

Definition of Russian service?

Russian service: the food is pre arranged in a platter with enough serving for one table,then the waiter dishes it out from the platter to the individual plates to guest from the left side. russian service is usually done for banquet functions it guarantes equal portioning of food because the food served are pre portioned over plated service when their are no heaters for individual plates.

What is the French serving style?

French style food service is when food is brought around on carts for diners to look at. The table is already set in front of the diner, when they see a food that they want to eat, it is served to them from the cart.

What did the french and British use to get food to Russia?

the Russian mafia helped out

What is Russian style food service?

The Russian style of serving food is where the different food courses are brought to the table one after the other. This is in contrast to the style of serving where all the food is served at the same time.

What is french food style?

The French style of food service is called service a la francaise. It is the practice of serving different dishes of a meal at the same time.

What is the history of gueridon service?

gueridon service is when food is be presented, cooked, or finished in a trolley in front of the guest.