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Q: How Order this list of events to show a typical story of migration and human-environmental interaction. Climate changes so corn cannot be grown Villages grow corn on tops of mesas Populatio?
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What did trade and interaction in villages result in?


Is the movement of people from villages and farms to cities?

Urban migration is one term and your welcome

What is the difference between international and internal?

INTERNAL MIGRATION The movement of people within a country i.e. between states, districts, villages, etc is called as Internal Migration. INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION The movement of people from one country to other across the international borders is called as International Migration.

What is rural to rural migration?

is the migration in which people are moving from rural areas to urban areas,which can be temporary or permanent migration

What did trade and interaction between villages result in?

Trade and interactions between villages resulted in the exchange of goods, ideas, and technologies, leading to economic growth, cultural diffusion, and societal development. It fostered connections and interdependence among communities, contributing to the expansion of networks and the sharing of resources.

Where are Italians located?

To be pedantic immigration to America from Italy couldn't exist before 1871, when Italy was united. But the greatest amount of migration from that area between 1880 to 1914. There are little villages 'Little Italies' throughout America. There are the fifth largest migration group to the US. Most immigrants are found in Pennsylvania and Indiana.

What has the author A K Bradley written?

A. K. Bradley has written: 'The effect of disease on rural economy, social structure and settlement' -- subject(s): Internal Migration, Medical geography, Onchocerciasis, Population, Villages

Are the southern Indians nomadic or sedentary?

Southern Indians were mainly sedentary, living in villages or settlements. However, some groups, such as the Cherokee, Choctaw, and Seminole, practiced seasonal migration and had a semi-nomadic lifestyle.

What advantage did Hunters Gatherers have over early agriculturalists?

Really, none. By growing crops, they settled down in villages and had more community interaction and their numbers grew. Most still did hunter and gather.

What is meant by the term rural urban migration?

With the conviction, that our essence lies in Rural India

What are the problems of migration in Mumbai?

people from villages and other rural areas come the city and wor overthere because they have to work they find houses to stay so they go and sleep on railway stations,footpath etc. and the solution for this is that the government should build factories and company even in villages and rural areas so that the people can overthere and settle overthere

What does rural Urban migration mean?

People moving from rural (villages) areas of the country into cities. :)