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There has never been any question that tomato sauce is safe for consumption and indeed has been eaten for a long time with no notable side-effects.

Although extraordinarily high consumption can cause discoloration of the liver and skin, this is rare, not dangerous to your health and will recede in a few weeks of stopping eating tomato products.

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13y ago

Well, it depends, ready made tomato sauce is safe to eat when made by well-known or registered companies because the FDA has to approve the product, but the ready made tomato sauce can be safe, but also unsafe to eat. The people or small company who made it (exactly the opposite of the Coca-Cola company), can have poison or unsafe food or chemicals in the product.

Even though the people who made it say it is safe, approved, or was voted safest sauce of the year...DO NOT believe them until they show you proof, like a approved, original form (not copied) of a certificate from the FDA, but if they just say "ya, i know, because I eat it all the time" or "What do you think, I poison my customers?" Well, you can never be to sure, but sometimes they are telling the truth about their product. Another situation is when the producers of the product did not know about the chemical(s), or unsafe things that were placed with the tomato when growing, or even touched the tomato ar other plants used for the product such as: thyme, mint, other herbs or spices.

Make sure, the stuff you eat will not affect your body or health in anyway!

P.S.- Burger King (a pretty big company) was just accused and caught of having an employee putting a suspicious medicine tablet in the burger/sandwhich...NEVER BE TO SURE.

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How long can you leave tomato sauce at room temt?

Depending on the acidity of the tomato sauce, or whether artificial preservatives have been added, tomato sauce can be left out at room temperature (68-72 degrees Fahrenheit) for 2-5 days. Home made tomato sauce is likely to have little to no artificial preservatives, but is preserved by the acidity of the tomatoes, the added salt, and various herbs added. Therefore, in my experience, homemade tomato sauce has not gone bad until the third night, assuming that the tomato sauce was made on the first morning. Store-bought tomato sauce may have ascorbic acid, vinegar and/or other preservatives added that allow the tomato sauce to be left out unopened for an undefined amount of time. When opened, the tomato sauce will not be affected for several days. Several of my friends never refrigerate their store-bought tomato sauce, because they use up the entire bottle within the week. However, if the tomato sauce has been excessively handled or contaminated, it may spoil withing 12 hours.

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What is the bases of tomato sauce?

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What is tomato puree used for?

Tomato Purée, enriches the flavour of the dish you're making. It strengthen the colour also, for example with a vegetable soup, tomato purée makes it richer tasting, more vibrant and thicken the sauce somewhat. Hope that helps :)

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It depends on how well it's stored, but tomato-based sauce that hasn't been used should be good for about 1-2 weeks. The acidity of the sauce helps resist microbial growth. If it has already been heated, then the it's recommended to only keep it for 3 days.

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That would depend on what the sauce is made with and whether it is summer or winter, but it is always safer to just put it in the fridge.

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No, not at all. This method of cooking has been done for a long time. This is okay to cook this way.

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What can be done with unrefrigerated tomato sauce?

Well, if you have a dog that has been skunked, you can bathe it in it. If it has never been refrigerated, you can do anything with it. I prefer to add garlic and onions and pour it over pasta once it is heated up in a pan. However, if it has been refrigerated at all, or has been opened and left out.....pitch it, as it will be full of bacterias that you don't want to be full of, if you know what I mean.