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Good? Zero time. It must be somewhat brown by the time the \ expiration date has past. That is not good....

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Q: Fresh Express- how long is the package shredded lettus good for after the package date if unopened?
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What is lettus?

Lettuce - a green leafy vegetable

Can you smoke lettus to get high?

I suggest you get real drugs.

What does baby snapping eat?

worms lettus and other veggies

What do lucasts eat?

lucasts eat carrot potatoes lettus

Can gerbils eat lettus?

Yes, gerbils can eat lettuce.

What is the recipe for gorditas?

lettus sourcreme hamburger and sometimes potatoes

What do you fead bunnies?

rabbit food... or vegetables, like carrots or lettus.

What do turtles eat lettus or bread?

yes it can it can eat soft thing only

What food is pioisonous to hamsters?

lettus is dangerous but i will look up some more

What do finger monkeys?

they eat really small bananas and also there favorite is lettus