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It is a comminuted fracture when the ends of the bones are crushed together. This can happen easily making the bones to break up in multiple pieces.

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Q: Fracture in which the ends of the bones are crushed together?
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Normally your bones are kept together at the ends by muscles and joints. If you get injured you might dislocate a shoulder, meaning that your two bones meeting at a joint get slightly separated. As a result your shoulder looks crazy, it hurts and you can barely move it.A dislocation is when a joint comes out of the space that is is supposed to occupy, like a dislocated shoulder or hip.

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What is an undisplaced fracture?

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How many bones make up in babies body?

Babies are born with around 270 bones, but some of these bones fuse together as the baby grows, so the average adult ends up with 206 bones.

Why do bones have grooves at their ends?

It gives the cartillage and tissue and muscle all a place to join together, with the joint in middle

What ends of the bones?

Cartilage covers the ends of bones at joints, while a ligament is the tissue that connects two bones to form a joint.

Broken ends are pushed into each other?

Impacted fracture

What is the medical term meaning putting the broken ends of a fracture into aligment without the need of exposing the fractured bone by surgery?

Closed reduction is the medical term meaning aligning broken bones without surgery.