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These are generally called "cartilaginous fish." Their skeleton is made of cartilage (that firm but wiggly structure inside your earlobe and nose) instead of bone. Examples include sharks and sting rays.

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Q: Fish with skeletons not made of bone?
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Among jawed fish you have your bony fish and your cartilaginous fish Which of these is one of the latter?

One example of a cartilaginous fish is the shark. Sharks have skeletons made of cartilage rather than bone, distinguishing them from bony fish, which have skeletons made of bone.

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Cartilaginous fish, also known as elasmobranchi, have skeletons made of cartilage rather than bone. Bony fish, also known as teleosts, have skeletons made of bone.

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The skeleton of jawless fish, such as lampreys and hagfish, is primarily made of cartilage rather than bone. Cartilage is a flexible and lightweight tissue that provides structure and support to these fish without the need for heavy bones.

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Do chondrichthyes have bones?

No, chondrichthyes are fish that have skeletons made out of cartilage instead of bone.

Do fish have skeletons?

yes don't you see in Tom & jerrywhen cats eat fishes and through the skeleton ?? Alternate answer: Yes fish have skeletons. Some fish skeletons are composed of cartilage and some fish skeletons are composed of bone much like human skeletons. FISH ARE VERTBRATES WITCH MEANS THEY HAVE BACKBONES

What does the word Osteichthyes mean?

Osteichthyes is a biological class that includes bony fish. Osteichthyes have skeletons primarily composed of bone tissue. These fish are characterized by their bony skeleton and swim bladder.

What is the difference bony fish and cartilaginous and jawless fish?

Ray-finned fish have "true" bone skeletons, where as the cartlaginous fish have...cartilage instead of bone as their skeletons.

Is a Sergeant Major fish a bony fish?

Yes, a Sergeant Major fish is a bony fish. Bony fish have skeletons made of bone, as opposed to cartilaginous fish, such as sharks, which have skeletons made of cartilage. Sergeant Major fish are a type of bony fish commonly found in tropical and subtropical waters.

What are fish skeletons made of - bone and cartiladge?

Sharks, rays and ratfish have cartilage but its not sharks. Boney fish (like their name suggests) have bone in the mix - but they still have a lot of cartilage.

Which fishes has a skeleton made of hard bone?

The taxonomic classification of fish that have hard, bony skeletons is teleosts.

What are the skeletons of vertebrates made of?

cartilage or bone