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my teacher said.... possibly

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food like curry and rice

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Q: Favela is a Brazilian food made from rice and beans?
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Related questions

What are some foods associated with Brazilian culture?

Some of the foods associated with Brazilian culture are the feijoada and the brigadeiro. The feijoada is a dish made with black beans and pork, while the brigadeiro is a candy.

What food is made from coco beans?

I think chocolate

What are plant's Bean made-up of?

cells, beans, food

What food What is made at mission san buenaventura?

Beans and soup and sugar

What is the number of people in Brazil that have come from African decent?

The number of people that have come from african decent is 40,000 people, most of them live in the south east of brazil in the favela's depending on their wealth. Favela's are the slums and shantytowns of Brazil, some houses in the favela are well made of concrete and wood.

How did John Benitez get the nickname jellybean?

Beacause his favourite food was a jelly made from beans

What were the foods that john wesley Powell bring on the expedition that he made?

canned food and beans or rice

Are baked beans tins made from aluminium?

Some baked beans tins are made from aluminium, while others may be made from steel. Both materials are commonly used for canned food packaging due to their durability and ability to protect the food inside from spoilage.

Is Red Beans and Rice made with kidney beans?

It is made with Red kidney beans or small red beans.

What is the feigoada in Brazil?

"Feijoada" is a typical Brazilian food consisting of black beans and different cuts of meat. It was originally what the slaves in Brazil used to eat, and the cuts of meat were leftovers (such as trotters, intestines, ears, etc...). Now it is more commonly made with pork belly, bacon, sausage and chicken. It is eaten with rice.

Are canned bake beans made from soy products?

No, canned bake beans are made with beans. Soy is also made from beans, but a different type.

What are the customs for a jumano Indian?

They grewcorn, beans, and squash for food. They made good pottery to keep the food in. And they traveled a lot.