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Q: Dwarf sockeye salmon living in landlocked waters?
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What is the name of the Dwarf sockeye salmon characterised by living in landlocked waters?


Is salmon an Italian fish?

No, salmon comes from cold waters like the North Atlantic and the North Pacific.

What bodies of water can you find salmon?

Salmon can be found in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean and rivers. Salmon migrate from the oceans to rivers to spawn.

Does thermal pollution affect fish?

Fish have adapted to living in a certain temperature range & can't do things to adapt. For example, tropical fish can only survive in the warm tropical waters while fish like salmon thrive in the colder waters nearer the poles.

Do you get salmon in cape town?

Only in fish shops, they are not native to Cape waters

What does the company Living Waters Canada do?

The company Living Waters Canada, is a ministry that specializes in helping with relationship and sexual brokenness. The Living Waters company is located in Vancouver, Canada.

What lives in the arctic waters?

There are Arctic salmon, walruses, seals, killer whales, etc.

Do salmon live in Minnesota?

Yes! Salmon Live in Minnesota's Water of Lake Superior. There are currently 3 species: Pink salmon, Coho Salmon and Chinook Salmon. Atlantic Salmon were stocked years ago but the stocking program no longer exists. All Resident Salmon have been stocked. Currently there are no Salmon Stocking Programs in Minnesota's Lake Superior Waters.

Do sharks eat salmon?

Some species of sharks do eat salmon, particularly when salmon are migrating or swimming in the same waters as the sharks. However, salmon are not a primary food source for most sharks, which typically feed on a variety of other fish, seals, and marine mammals.

Why do salmon die?

Because if they didn't die, the waters of the world would be filled with salmon. They have to die, similar to other life forms. If they didn't die, they would overpopulate the Earth.

What are the release dates for Living Waters University - 2009?

Living Waters University - 2009 was released on: USA: 2 January 2009

What actors and actresses appeared in Living Waters University - 2009?

The cast of Living Waters University - 2009 includes: Kirk Cameron as himself Ray Comfort as himself Emeal Zwayne as Himself - Executive Vice President, Living Waters