trident gum is not healthier than bubble gum, trident gum has more sugar.
Trident - gum - was created in 1960.
trident gum was made in the mid 1960's
Trident gum contains approx. 54% sweeteners and 46% other ingredients.
it is 5 gum because trident gum sucks it has a bad taste and it dosent last that long like 5 gum
Trident last longer than 5 Gum.
trident trident
who owns trident GUM NOT HOTELS??
The chemicals used in Trident gum are: -Xylitol -Sorbitol -Acesulfame potassium -Sucralose -Mannitol
You can visit the Trident website to see what research they already offer. Or look up Trident gum in academic food journals. You might be able to find out the history of the company, the history of gum, the positive and negative impacts of chewing Trident gum, whether the whitening product from Trident really works, etc.
Trident Gum is created by Cadbury USA, but their headquarters are in Parisppany , New Jersey. They make the gum in Rockford, IL
trident gum was made in the mid 1960's