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Q: Does the overall appearance of the crave fish and minnow suggest common ancestry?
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What does the dolphin and porpoise have in common?

Dolphins and porpoises are both cetaceans and are similar in behavior and overall appearance.

Do the appearance cave fish and minnow suggest common ancestry?

yall are stupid. go to school

What is A set of organisms that resemble one another in appearance and behaviour?

A specimen of organisms that are similar in appearance and behavior is called a population. They often share genetic traits, physical characteristics, and behavioral patterns due to their common ancestry and environmental influences.

Who are the ancestors of people from Newfoundland?

While there is no one common ancestry, many of them have Irish ancestry.

What is the Strong evidence for the common ancestry of all vertebrates is?

The strong evidence for the common ancestry of all vertebrates is THE SIMILARITY OF THEIR EMBRYOLOGICAL STAGES.

What are 3 forms of evidence for evolution?

Fossil record: Shows a gradual change in species over time, supporting the idea of common ancestry and evolution. Genetic evidence: Similarities in DNA sequences between different species indicate shared ancestry and evolutionary relationships. Comparative anatomy: Homologous structures among different species suggest a common origin and evolution from a common ancestor.

What is the most common ancestry of your mom?

your nana

How do you use Common Ancestry in a sentence?

Common ancestry refers to the shared biological heritage between two or more species, indicating that they all descend from a common ancestor. For example, scientists study common ancestry to understand the evolutionary relationships between different species and trace their evolutionary history.

Are pharyngeal pouches and tails evidence of evolution?

It simply highly suggests that all organisms going through this developmental phase have common ancestry, thus are related on the tree of life.

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Cognates are important because they?

share a common ancestry

Are Italians related to Mexicans?

Some will have common ancestry.