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Yes - that's exactly what the food web is. Food chains are a simplistic attempt at understanding predation A eats B, B eats C, C eats D. The food web is a more realistic examination: A eats whatever it feels like, B and C eat D. (Simple example - A represents lions, B and C are wildebeest and gazelle, D is various available plants.

To complicate matters enough to make a food web necessary rather than a slightly branched food chain, add Hyenas. Hyenas eat lions, wildebeest, and gazelle (though they generally don't kill the lion, they just eat the corpse). On the other hand, lions will eat hyenas, too, though they tend not to hunt them.

Food webs portray the more complex relationship of consumption that exists in an ecosystem, rather than imposing an artificial hierarchy based on how scary the creature is to a human (I recall reading way back in grade school when we talked about food chains about how gnus eat Gazelles. At the time, I didn't see anything wrong with it, but I've since learned that the gnu is also called the wildebeest, and the only time it's dangerous is if they're stampeding.)

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Q: Does the food web demonstrate predation?
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The food web is a good way to demonstrate the complex food?

why yes it is

The food web is a good way to demonstrate the complex food realtionships of a given area because?

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The food web is a good way to demonstrate the complex food relations of a given area because?

because when you have a food web it demonstrates how the energy flows in the food web. from the sun to the plants to the carnivors, herbivors, etc. Novanet: Because food chains overlap at many points.

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Because it shows were the energy is being transfered to and from each organism. Remember that a food web shows the transfer of energy not who eats who.

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An example of predation includes a lion hunting and consuming a zebra for food. Another example is a spider catching and eating a fly that gets trapped in its web.

How is a food web continued when an owl dies?

When an owl dies, there may be a decrease in predation on its prey, which could lead to an increase in the population of smaller animals it used to feed on. This change may affect other species in the food web, with potential cascading effects on various trophic levels. Other predators may also fill the ecological niche left by the owl to balance the food web.

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What is predation and competition?

Predation is when a organism known as a predator hunts another animal for food known as prey. Competition is when organisms compete for the same food source.

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Food web.

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An interaction in which one organism kills another for food?

It is called carnivore . Sadly....that means they kill a organism with meat on it and eat the meat on them. That is a carnivore .