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Q: Does the bears head tooth mushroom have any preys or predators?
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Is a bears head tooth mushroom a vascular plant?

Mushrooms are not plants - they are fungi.

What preys on saber-tooth tiger?

dinosoars? No. They had long been extinct. The only predators that could trouble an adult Sabre tooth would be maybe giant bears, huge crocodiles and some pretty big and nasty hyena-like things that lived about that time. Of course, their young would be vulnerable to much smaller predators.

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the Mushroom Species the Comb tooth mushroom?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Hericiumramosum.

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the Mushroom Species the Sweet tooth mushroom?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Hydnumrepandum.

What animal tooth is used by the native Americans for a knife?

dabertooth grisly bears tooth

What part of the tooth bears the force of chewing?


Which part of the tooth bears the force of chewing?

Crown The enamel actually bears the force of chewing!

Do bears descend from caber tooth tiger?

No. The tiger and white tiger are descendants from the saber tooth tiger. As the saber tooth tiger evolved it found less need for its giant teeth therefore, and evolution took place the tigers teeth grew smaller in size. The bear has been around for almost forever. Although there are many different types of bears. The bears evolved from other bears depending on location.

Are toothed whales and emperor penguins predators?

I think the tooth whale is but not the penguin

What are the predators of fang tooth fish?

Pelagic Fish such as Tuna, Albacore, and Marlin

Do the Nashville predators have a mascot?

Yes, his name is Gnash. He's a sabre-tooth tiger.

What are the saber tooth tiger's predators?

Humans are the large cats only predators, they WERE on the top of the food chain.