

Does the balsam fruit have one seed?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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10y ago

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No,they have many seeds

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Q: Does the balsam fruit have one seed?
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"Fruit" does not necessarily mean something like apples and cherries. In the case of the balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera) the fruit is a thin capsule covering for the seed, so is no flesh, but there is a cottony mass so that the seed can be more easily dispersed by the wind.

What is the function of the balsam fruit?

It is to grow to let people to eat it and it's seed will develop into another plant.

How does a balsam fruit disperse its seeds?

Ripe balsam seeds are spring loaded, and are dispersed by being flung out of the seed pods when a passing animal or human brushes against the pods.

What is the function of a balsam fruit?

The function of balsam fruit is to aid in seed dispersal. The fruit contains seeds that are surrounded by a sticky substance called balsam, which helps the seeds adhere to passing animals or birds, allowing them to be carried away to new locations for germination.

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Yes, avocado is a fruit. Any vegetable with a seed or seeds is a fruit. The pit of an avacado is a seed.

Is balsam fruit rough or smooth?

balsum fruit is rough

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Which one is not part of a seed?

Roots are not part of a seed. Seeds typically consist of the embryo, endosperm, and seed coat. Roots develop after germination when the seedling starts to grow.

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no it does not

Does balsam plant's fruit edible?

no, i think it is inedible ...........................................................

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A balsam pear is another name for a bitter melon, a vine, Latin name Momordica, which produces a bitter, edible fruit, or the fruit produced by this vine.

Example of a plant that uses explosive dispersal of seed?

impatiens or balsam