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Despite the misinformation, there is no way to make an effective suppressor from a potato- Irish, baked, mashed or sweet- or from a pillow, a baby bottle nipple, or a soda bottle. However, sticking a potato on the muzzle MAY blow a gun up- it is called an obstructed bore. If potatoes worked, I would be at the grocery store, and not paying several hundred dollars for a legal, working suppressor.

By the way, under US law, an unregistered suppressor (silencer)- even a potato- could get you ten years in a Federal prison. Say hello to your new roommate- Bubba.

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Q: Does putting a potato on the front of a gun silence the gun when shot or will it not shoot?
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Depends. There is the large potato gun/ potato cannon/ spud gun. These are several feet long, and shoot a whole potato. However, in the 1950s, there was a toy also called a Spud Gun. It used air pressure to shoot a very small sliver of potato a few feet. They were generally red plastic, and about 3 inches long.

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How many shoots grew from each potato you planted?

in a spring,(small dots of a potato) Normally one shoot will grow from each eye.

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in a spring,(small dots of a potato) Normally one shoot will grow from each eye.

How many new shoots from each potato eye you planted?

in a spring,(small dots of a potato) Normally one shoot will grow from each eye.

How many shoot grow from each potato eye you planted?

7-10 eyes

How many new shoots grew from each potato ''eye'' you planted?

in a spring,(small dots of a potato) Normally one shoot will grow from each eye.