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Q: Does popcorn have sugar in it?
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Related questions

Is popcorn a compound or mixture?

it is a mixture because of the sugar and popcorn kernels

Can you place cold flavorings on popcorn?

yes you can i loove icing sugar on my popcorn yes you can i love icing sugar on my popcorn

Does popcorn turn to sugar?


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What is the total grams of sugar in microwave popcorn?

Not all microwave popcorn contains sugar. For example, Jolly Time White & Buttery is sugar free. With other brands it would vary.

Is kettle cooked popcorn healthy?

Not really. The health benefits of popcorn can be realized with plain popcorn. Kettle popcorn is covered in sugar, salt, and fat. Check the label.

How much sugar in popcorn?

It depends on the brand or type.

What is heavier 1kg popcorn or 1kg sugar?

Neither, both weigh the same. However, I kg of popcorn would take up much more space than 1 kg of sugar.

You are looking for flavorings that can go on popcorn?

you could use: icing sugar chicken salt sugar

Do you put salt on popcorn or sugar?

either one. Both taste really good on popcorn. It all depends on what kind of mood you are in.

How much corn syrup does popcorn have left in it?

None. Unflavored, unsalted popcorn is simply corn. It has identical nutrition content to corn. There is no corn syrup in corn anymore than there's maple syrup in maple trees. Corn has to be specially concentrated and processed to create corn syrup. Corn naturally has a bit of sugar, but that's not really corn syrup.

How much sugar is in a bag of popcorn?

It varies depending on what type and brand you use. The number will be stated on the bag or packet.