The organ that holds and releases air which allows the perch to move up and down in the water is the swim bladder. Most fish have this organ, which they use to control how deep or how shallow they swim.
A swim bladder is found on the side of the fish.
swim bladder is what helps the fish stay afloat without the swim bladder a fish would simply sink duhhh
No, swim bladder disease is not contagious to other fish. It is a condition that affects an individual fish's swim bladder, which helps control buoyancy.
they have an organ called a swim bladder. It is filled with gas and it keeps them afloat.
That would be the swim bladder.
it helps to swim
To urinate, if you mean the urinary bladder. If you mean the swim bladder, it is to be able to change its depth in the water. It has a way to vent air from the gills to the swim bladder, and from the swim bladder to the digestive tract. So the fish would inflate the bladder to be able to rise and deflate the bladder to go lower.
The swim bladder makes your fish sink so it isn't floating to the top of the tank.If your fish is floating then it might be a swim bladder problem.Or your fish is dying.
The swim time course of the swim bladder response raises a problem. If a fish can not instantly adjust its swim bladder volume its buoyancy is unstable. As the fish rises in the water the pressure of the swim bladder decreases!