Panic attacks can be triggered by stress, traumatic events, genetics, or a chemical imbalance in the brain. They can also be brought on by certain phobias or anxiety disorders.
Many things can cause an anxiety attack. Something you fear happening that you may have no control over will be something that causes an anxiety attack along with lack of sleep and the inability to eat.
Although it is usually anxiety that causes heart attacks, a heart attack victim may be anxious when they worry that it might happen again.
A panic or anxiety attack, usually, if there is no actual physical source or cause of the terror.
Of course NO !
Yes, Papaya does cause Body Heat. Excessive consumption of papaya will boost the internal heat, which you can not measure but can sense through some symptoms.
Only foods that are contaminated with a parasite can cause dysentery. If a grown papaya is infected it will cause dysentery and severe gastrointestinal problems.
Anxiety can cause shortness of breath. It can trigger asthma attacks for asthma sufferers. One of the symptoms of a panic attack is a shortness of breath.
Oh yes, for people with severe disorders, anxiety symptoms last all day and generally don't manifest into a full blown attack. Relax, try deep breathing techniques and meditation.
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