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Yes. Being organic does not mean that it doesn't contain microbes. It will spoil, too.

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Lactose is as stable at the same conditions, and for as long, as any other sugar.

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No, infact you are not supposed to keep in in the refridgerator, just in a dry place below 25 degress celcius (77f)

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To maintain the probiotics in it - Yes!

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If you want to eat them yes.

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Q: Does organic milk need to be refrigerated?
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Does milk need to be refrigerated?

Of course milk needs to be refrigerated because if you don't refrigerate it, it will get chunky and go bad.

Is there any cheese that doesn't need refrigeration?

Cheese is made of milk, milk needs to be refrigerated, so yeah it needs to be refrigerated.

Why does organic milk turn black?

It shouldn't be anymore likely to blacken than regular milk. Milk needs to be kept refrigerated at all times, and leaving it out will promote the growth of bacteria, which would explain the black coloration.

Why must liquid milk be refrigerated and powder milk not?

the milk powder is dry and does not need to be put in the fridge because it is powdered so you DONT have to put in the fridge . i hope this helps.

Is Skim Milk organic?

Only if the milk was organic before it was skimmed Who asks these if you have skim milk and it says organic then it is organic skim milk..???

Does organic milk stay fresh longer?

Only if it is pasteurized at Ultra High Temperature, causing it to stay drinkable for longer. Most containers of organic milk treated this way also have a disclaimer that milk "tastes freshest within 7 days of opening" even if you drink it before the stamped expiration date.

What are the prices of organic and non organic milk?

The price will vary depending on where you live and if you buy the milk directly from the farmer or at a grocery store. It also depends on the type of milk you are buying, whether that is cow's milk, goat's milk, almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk, etc. Organic milk is more expensive than non-organic milk because there are far fewer organic dairies and organic farms in general than there are non-organic ones. .

Does raw organic apple cider vinegar need refrigeration?

It is not necessary to keep it refrigerated; it conserves really well because of it's acidity. However, it may develop cloudy residue over time if not refrigerated. It doesn't mean it's gone bad though.

Why is Belgian milk unrefrigerated?

Because it's UHT milk, (Ultra Heat Treated) this kills all the bacteria, its then sealed into sterile packs so it does not need to be refrigerated.

How does unopened milk spoil even while refrigerated?

Unopened milk can spoil even while refrigerated because there are tons of bacteria in the milk, and if they start reproducing, that will cause much more waste, therefore souring the milk.

Why is organic milk good?

Organic Milk is good because it has natural vitamins & ingredients unlike the regular milk at the store that say '2% milk' or '1% milk'. The milk from the store is, nothing like Organic Milk. Store milk has preservatives & has many chemicals inside. I recommend Organic Milk.

Do haystacks have to be refrigerated?

no they do not need to be refrigerated.