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100 gram raw lettuce contains 250% of our daily vitamin A intake. It is a very rich source of vitamin A. Lettuce also contains vitamin K in large quantities. Fresh leaves contain good amounts of folates and vitamin C.

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Yes, generally the darker it is the more nutrients it has.

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Q: Does lettuce have vitamin B in it?
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What Vitamin in Lettuce?

Lettuce is rich in Vitamin C.

Which has more vitamin c romaine lettuce or iceberg lettuce?


What does iceberg lettuce do thicken or thin blood?

It does neither. Lettuce contains Vitamin K

What are the nutrients of lettuce?

Well it depends on what kind of salad you're eating! Romain lettuce contains B vitamins while Iceburg Lettuce has little nutritional value. Different dressings contain fats and some are more healthy for you than others. Chicken adds protein but the chicken is best if it is grilled. Almonds are delicious in salad and help your memory :)

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vitamin water

What elements are found in arugula?

Lettuce is one of the incredible leafy vegetables packed with essential nutrients that benefit overall general health. Vitamins in lettuce are plentiful. Lettuce leaves are one of the very low calorie green-vegetables and fresh leaves are an excellent source of folates, Vitamin C, Vitamin A and beta carotenes. It is a rich source of vitamin K, B-complex group of vitamins like thiamin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine) and riboflavins. It also contains good amounts of minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are very essential for body metabolism.

What is the B vitamin found predominantly in foods of animal origin is?

Vitamin B12 is considered predominantly in food of animal origin. However, other members of the Vitamin B group - Vitamin B 1, - Vitamin B 2, - Vitamin B 3, - Vitamin B 5, - Vitamin B 6, and - Vitamin B 8 are also found in food of animal origin. Food sources for these vitamins are detailed in the related links.

What is the scientific name of vitamin b?

the vitamin b is mabaho

How do you conserve vitamin b?

Drinking more vitamin b

Do whole grains contain vitamin b?

It's likely that grains do have vitamin B. Some grains have 26% of vitamin B, some grains have 15% of vitamin B etc.

What is lettuce made of?

your mums poo

What is and example of a Water-soluble vitamin?

vitamin B and C