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Q: Does la choy sweet an sour sauce go bad?
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Is sweet and sour sauce bad for dogs?

sweet and sour sauce is bad for dogs but they love it

How do you know when sweet and sour sauce goes bad?

When it a. taste nasty b. smells funny c. looks funny d. is chunky and nasty e. you are throwing up after eating it.

Is a guava sour?

Guava may be sweet or sour. Certain types can be substituted in recipes for Tomatoes as they provide a similar flavor and texture.

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Do bunnies like spicy food?

They don't like spicy, sour, or bitter foods. They love sweet foods, but it's bad for them just like candy is bad for people.

Is mall Chinese food bad for you?

Any Chinese fast food CAN BE bad for you. There are often high levels of sodium in many dishes, and soy sauce often adds even more sodium. Many dishes are basically deep-fried meat (General Tso's chicken, sweet and sour anything, etc.) covered in a sauce with a high amount of sweeteners like corn syrup (General Tso's, sweet and sour, many other sauces). The best food for you from Chinese restaurants are steamed dishes, usually vegetables. These are harder to make in a mall shop (limited space) where they mostly use frozen packaged food and heat it up. You're more likely to find healthier options at a non-chain restaurant with a larger menu and where you can ask for no sauce or substitutions. These are few and far between. And that stuff doesn't taste as good... ;)

When you open a can of chef boyardee ravioli in tomato and meat sauce sometimes the sauce is smooth and sweet but other times it is clumpy and horrible tasting why is that?

Because it is way past the expiration date, and went bad.

How do you get the sour taste out of spaghetti sauce?

Well you said TASTE, so Im assuming youre just wanting to ease the tomato flavor.... try a dash of sugar. Sparingly. It tones down the tomato taste. Because tomatoes are acidic, you are definitely going to have and acidic taste. Instead of using sauce, try just butter or olive oil. If you are worried about heartburn from the sauce, take pepcid ac, zantac, or tagament about 1hr before you eat and have some tums in your pocket for after you eat. The only way to offset the acid is to have something alkaline.

Can dwarf hamsters eat Bok Choy?

no it's bad for their digestion.

is hot sauce bad for a diabetic ?

is hot sauce bad for a diabetic ?

Is it bad to eat sweet and sour?

I don't know if it is true but it is what older people say, that it creates toxins in our body- I don't know what a doctor would say to that!

What are some bad thing about candy bars?

they have to much sugar and they can be to sweet ,especially sour things and it can get you fat and once your fat its hard to lose all that fat