it doesn't cause dehydration in fact im am pretty sure it doesn't do anyhting to your body but it also causes you to feel more hungry than you actually are because your body thinks that your actually eating somehting so it releases spesific enzymes for your mouth to break the food down in to smaller bits, saliva is the enzyme inside the mouth released to break the food down. sciencefreak
Is it true that coke does not quench your thirst? This quench gum is amazing! Bob go get me a drink that will quench my thirst. This really did quench my thirst.
Gum does not help you in class, but it can help to strengthen your jaw muscles.
No, toothpaste does not help get gum out of a sweater.
Gum doesn't really help the world at all.
If you are unwell you should go and seek the help of a qualified medical practitioner (a Doctor).
gum doesn't help you concentrate in school
The reason is because the soldiers from the World War II needed the gum for many reasons, like since the gum could quench thirst when water was stale, and children were very sad. So that is why a new kind of gum was created, called Orbit, and it was both sent to the war and sold in U.S.A.
Assist with weight gain and quench thirst.
In The thirst for first is the worst how do paragraph 1 through 4 help develop a central idea of the article?
Big Red gum by wrigley
Mostly sucking on mints do but gum can too.