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Why don't you try it yourself.

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Q: Does getting hit with a pie hurt?
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What can hurt or damage the brain?

Getting hit on the head

Does getting hit by a car hurt?

This is a ridiculous question.....Yes, if you've gotten hit by a couple tons of speeding steel, then yes its will hurt.

How long should your head hurt after getting hit?

depends on the hit if it was a big hit it can hurt for a long time some hits can even cause eternal pain

Does getting hit hurt?

it depends on how hard and with what and where you're hit. By hit I'm thinking you mean getting punched. . It actually stings more to get slapped in the face then punched in the face. A punch is more of a dull ache than pain. But getting hit is always a bad idea.

Does it hurt to get hit by the L96 airsoft sniper rifle at a distance?

Getting shot by anything is not an experience you want.

Would your testicles hurt post to getting hit by 2 weeks ago?

Mine do too! I wanna know why :/

Does getting a henna hurt?

No getting a henna does not hurt at all..

What was Bella's excuse for getting hurt after being on the motorcycle?

I think she said she tripped in Jacob's garage and hit herself on something.

Does getting hit in the kidney hurt?

Yes, it hurts very bad. Try punching a friend in the kidneys, and watch their reaction.

Why does a spanking hurt?

I think that you need to elaborate on this question, becausethe answer is obvious, it is like asking why getting punched inthe mouth hurts, or why getting hit by a car hurts?

Why are hail storms so dangerous?

because getting hit by chunks of ice balls can get hurt you really bad or could kill you

Does getting hit in the nuts hurt more than giving birth?

pregnancy is more painful. thats a whole child coming out you.