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No, eating green mango does not effect your period in any way. Although diet can have an effect on your menstrual cycle and menstruation, there is no specific food that would cause a significant change.

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Q: Does eating green mango can affect your period?
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How do you keep a mango?

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Is it okay to eat mango during menstrual period?

It is ok to eat mango during your period. Eating mangos can help stop breakouts on the skin. Mangos are like a natural skin scrub, working from the inside, keeping the skin bacteria free and reducing redness.

What is the difference between the kiwi and the mango in terms of their methods of seed dispersal?

The mango is dispersed by animals eating the fruit(mango) and not eating the indigestible big seed,thus leaving it some where on the ground for it to grow.

Do mango's affect dogs?

Yes the juicyness of the mango canmake a dog sick

What is included in a Mango Chutney?

For the Green Mango chutney ,the Raw Mango pulp is crushed with,green chilli, sugar, mint,spices & salt. For the ripe mango chutney ,the pulp is boiled with sugar, red chilli, spices & salt.

Can you eat a mango?

Many people do enjoy eating them.

What will happen to a green mango when soak into a water with salt overnight.?

the slice mango will be rough

Is a mango sapling a herb Give reason to support your answer?

is mango sapling a herb as it has a green stem

What foods are green before they are ripe?

a mango!!

How seeds of mango are dispressed?

Mango fruits have juicy pulp. Birds and animals including human being are attracted to gather mango fruits and after eating the sweet pulp the mango seeds are thrown.

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