

Does eatiing celery lower chlosterol

Updated: 11/9/2022
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9y ago

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Yes, in some instances eating celery may help to reduce cholesterol. Celery is loaded with vitamins such as B, E, and K.

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Is there certain vitamins for my type of blood?

You should eat lots of fruit and vegetables. They are high in vitamins. Celery is really healthy with lots of benefits. Celery is proven to lower blood cholesterol.

Does raw celery have sodium?

Unlike many other vegetables, celery is relatively high in salt (sodium). The average stalk of celery contains about 35 mg of sodium. Those on a diet of 1000 mg or less of sodium may wish to avoid celery and choose a lower-sodium vegetable.

Does celery stay fresher in hypotonic water or hypertonic water?

Celery stays fresher in hypotonic water because it creates a lower concentration of solutes inside the celery cells compared to the surrounding water, allowing for water to flow into the cells through osmosis and keep the celery crisp. In hypertonic water, the higher concentration of solutes outside the celery cells would cause water to move out of the cells, leading to wilting.

What part of speech is celery?

Celery is a noun. A sentence with celery in it is: The celery was mushy. A noun is a person place or thing. Celery is a thing which makes it a noun.

Where can i view a labeled diagram of celery?

Lots of pictures of celery via the Related Link.

What is the difference between celery salt and celery powder?

can you substitute celery salt for celery powder? If so what is the ratio.

What takes more calories to eat than it contains?

celery ! celery ! celery !

Where does celery live?

Celery is grown in the ground; the celery sprouts above the soil.